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TH12 UPDATE | Electro-Dragon | GIGA Tesla | Single Workshop | And more withTechTubeTN

In this video I'm going to show TH12 UPDATE | Electro-Dragon | GIGA Tesla | Single Workshop | And more withTechTubeTN

  1. Content Update in March 2018 with Builder Hall 8, new levels, new magical items, new challenges, war tools & a traveling character we don’t know much about yet
  2. Smaller content updates until summer
  3. Complete rework of war matchmaking to put an end to the advantage of engineering by summer
  4. Huge new content for Home Village (end game) – either in direction of TH12 that will offer more than just new grinding of troops & upgrades, but can also be something not being TH12
  5. Clouding issue in Legend League will be the big priority after the big summer content update

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Dinesh Kumar S is a 23-year-old System Administrator who enjoys playing games, listening to music and learning new technology. He is friendly and generous, but can also be very lazy and crazy.

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