CHENNAI: Days after announcement of separate entrance tests for PG courses, Anna University has withdrawn the notification. It had announced to conduct entrance tests for postgraduate courses offered in university departments and its constituent colleges.
The decision was taken after the higher education department issued a fresh order on April 29 changing the co-ordination committee for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (Tancet). As per the new order, the director of technical education will just be a member instead of a co-chairman and Anna University Vice-Chancellor will be the chairman for the committee.
"The higher education department has withdrawn the changes it had made to the coordination committee. Hence, we decided to conduct the TANCET 2019 and it would be the single exam for all PG engineering courses offered in Tamil Nadu," university officials told TOI.
The first coordination meeting of the committee is to be held on Thursday. The university on Sunday announced that students have to write a separate entrance test for getting admission to the ME, M Tech, M Arch and M Plan, MBA and MCA courses.
Welcoming the decision, professors from Anna University said the government should have given the task of conducting online engineering counselling to the university as well.
Due to the difference of opinion in reconstitution of Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions (TNEA) committee, the vice-chancellor of Anna University resigned from the committee and Directorate Of Technical Education is conducting the online engineering counselling for BE, BTech courses this year.
"There are still doubts whether the DOTE can pull it off without any glitch as it lacked the technical prowess. If there is any confusion, it would affect thousands of students," professors said.
However, sources in the government said the task of conducting online counselling will be jointly undertaken by the DOTE and a private vendor.