TANCET Syllabus will be available for all the programs on the official website (annauniv.edu). The syllabus for MBA, MCA, and M.E. / M.Tech / M.Arch. / M.Plan. will help aspirants to plan their preparation journey. Anna University, regulating body of the exam prescribes the entire syllabus and exam pattern each year.
- The question paper for each of these programs will be made out of the topic mentioned on the official syllabus (in pdf format).
- The exam is scheduled for May 19 & 20 (tentatively). Check TANCET 2019 Exam Dates
- The pen-paper based exam will have 100 MCQs to be attempted within 120 minutes.
- Against every correct answer, +1 mark is allotted and for every incorrect answer, -1/5 mark is subtracted.
TANCET MBA Syllabus 2019
The sectional division of
TANCET Question Paper tests a candidates’ ability to: -
- Critically evaluate the data and problems given, and apply solutions to such problems (Section – Business Analysis)
- Answer questions based on reading comprehension (Section – Reading Comprehension)
- Solve mathematical problems (Section – Quantitative Aptitude)
- Testing data sufficiency and answer questions based on given data (Section – Data Sufficiency)
- Identify grammatical, punctuation-related and spelling errors in the English Language (Section – Verbal Ability/English Language)
Take a look at the following table to know the syllabus for TANCET MBA exam: -Section | Important Topics |
Business Analysis | This section does not have any predefined syllabus. You will be given business situations in paragraph form, which will be followed by some questions. |
Reading Comprehension and Verbal Ability | Reading Comprehension, Synonyms, Antonyms, Fill in the blanks, Grammar, Vocabulary, Sentence Corrections, Idioms, Cloze Test, One Word Substitution, |
Quantitative Aptitude | Number System, HCF LCM, Percentages, Ratios, Averages, Simple & Compound Interest, Profit & Loss, Time Speed & Distance, Time & Work, Mixtures & Allegations, Quadratic Equations, Linear Equations, Logarithms, Series and Progressions, Binomial Theorem, Surds & Indices, Functions, Inequalities, Modulus, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Co-ordinate Geometry, Permutation & Combination, Probability, Set Theory |
Data Sufficiency | Data Sufficiency section also does not have set syllabus. The questions will mainly be based on Number Systems, Arithmetic Topics and Algebra. Questions on topics of Data Interpretation like Pie Chart, Line Graph, Bar Graph, and Tables can also be expected. |
Check Here TANCET Preparation Tips for Quantitative AptitudeRecommended Books for TANCET MBA Preparation

Books details: | Authors |
TANCET MBA | V V K Subburaj |
TANCET Data Interpretation Analysis | Ashok Gupta |
Reasoning Test (Vernal & Non Verbal) | Dr. M.B.Lal & A.K.Singh, |
TANCET- General English | Dr.B.B.Jain |
TANCET- Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams | R. S. Aggarwal |
New Pattern Tests of Objective English | Dr.R.N.Singh |
Logical and Analytical Reasoning | A. K. Gupta |
TANCET- Quantitative Aptitude | S.N. Jha |
Compendium General English | Dr.B.B.Jain |
Descriptive General English | S. P. Bakshi |
TANCET MCA Syllabus 2019
4 sections, namely, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning and Computer Awareness. The syllabus for this exam is mentioned below: -
Section | Important Topics |
Quantitative Aptitude | The syllabus for this section is the same as TANCET MBA exam. Therefore, the topics to be studied are - Number System, HCF LCM, Percentages, Ratios, Averages, Simple & Compound Interest, Profit & Loss, Time Speed & Distance, Time & Work, Mixtures & Allegations, Quadratic Equations, Linear Equations, Logarithms, Series and Progressions, Binomial Theorem, Surds & Indices, Functions, Inequalities, Modulus, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Co-ordinate Geometry, Permutation & Combination, Probability, Set Theory. |
Analytical and Logical Reasoning | Linear and Circular Arrangements, Selections, Coding & Decoding, Direction Sense, Blood Relations, Series, Analogies, Decision Making, Binary Logic, Syllogisms and Puzzles. |
Computer Awareness | Computer Hardware, Controls, Basic Terminology, Internet & Protocols, Network Basics, Computer Abbreviations, Security Tools, Shortcuts, History of Computer, Memory, Computer Organization, Input Output tools, Computer Architecture, Languages and Algorithms. |
Check TANCET Preparation Tips 2019 for Computer Awareness Recommended Books for TANCET MCA Preparation

Book Name | Authors |
TANCET MCA | V V K Subburaj |
Non-Verbal Reasoning | B. S. Sijwali & Indu Sijwali/Anjani A Gupta |
Master Guide | R Gupta/Amit M Agarwal |
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT | Gajendra Kumar & Abhishek Banerjee |
A complete manual for CAT | Knowledge System |
TANCET M.E. / M.Tech / M.Arch. / M.Plan. Syllabus 2019
The question paper for the courses M.E., M.Tech., M.Arch. and M.Plan. has a similar structure. The question paper comprises of
3 parts, the details of which are given below: -
- Part I of the question paper has 20 questions, based on the subject Engineering Mathematics. This part of the paper is same for all 4 courses.
- Part II of the paper consists of 35 questions, based on subject Basic Engineering and Sciences. Similar to Part I, this part is also same across question papers of all 4 courses.
- The final part or Part III of the question paper has 60 questions. The questions in this part will be based on the subject chosen by the candidate. There are 23 subjects available for this section, from which a candidate can choose anyone.
- All the questions are multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark each, with negative marking of 1/3 marks for an incorrect answer. The time given is 2 hours.
Check TANCET 2019 M.Arch. Exam- Important Tips for Aspiring ArchitectsThe syllabus for the exam is mentioned below: -
Part I – Engineering Mathematics
The syllabus for Part I of the question paper will have following topics: -
Topics | Sub-Topics |
Calculus and Differential Equations | Partial Derivatives, Jacobians, Taylor’s Expansion, Maxima Minima, Formation of partial differential equations, Solution of first order partial differential equation, solution of linear higher order of partial differential equation with constant coefficients, Linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients, Simultaneous first order linear equations with constant coefficients, |
Transforms | Fourier Integral Theorem, Fourier Transform Pair, Sine and Cosine Transforms, Inverse Z Transform, Solution to different equations using Z Transform, Inverse Transform, Laplace Transform, Application to solution of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients, |
Functions of Complex Variables and Complex Integration | Analytic Functions, Conformal Mapping, Bilinear Transformation, Cauchy’s Integral Theorem and Integral Formula, Taylor and Laurent Series, Singularities, Residues, Residue Theorem & its Applications |
Applied Probability | Probability and Random Variables, Standard Discrete & Continuous Distribution, Moments, Moment generating functions and their properties, Two-dimensional random variables, Co-variance, Correlation and Regression. |
Determinants and Matrices | Solving system of equations, Rank of Matrix, Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors, Reduction of Quadratic form into Canonical form |
Vector Calculus | Double and Triple integrations and their applications, Gauss Divergence and Stroke’s Theorem |
Numerical Methods | Solution of linear systems by direct and iterative methods, Interpolation and Approximation, Numerical Differentiation and Integration, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations |
Read more about TANCET Exam PatternPart II – Basic Engineering and Sciences
This part of the paper comprises of topics mentioned below: -
Topic | Sub-Topics |
Physics | Sound, Lattices, Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, X-ray radiography, Interference Fringes, Planck’s Quantum Theory, Laser and Fibre Optics |
Chemistry | Adsorption, Chromatography, Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, Spectroscopy, Fuels and Combustion. |
Applied Mechanics | Law of Mechanics, Lame’s Theorem, Forces, Moments & Couples, Displacement Velocity & Acceleration, Friction, Moment of Inertia |
Material Science | Conductor & Semi-Conductor materials, Ceramic & Super Conductor Materials, Fracture, Magnetic & Dielectric Materials |
Mechanical Engineering | Law of Thermodynamics, Open & Closed Systems, Equation of State, Heat and Work |
Civil Engineering | Fluid Statics & Dynamics, Boundary Layer, Pumps & Turbines, Environmental Pollution |
Electrical Engineering | Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Law, AC Circuits, DC Machines, Transformers, Synchronous Machines, Instrumentation |
Computers | Computer Organization, Architecture, Arrays, Pointers, User Defined Functions, C-program |
Part III – Specialized Subject
As mentioned earlier, the syllabus of this subject depends on the subject that a candidate has chosen. Refer to the following table to have a look at the syllabus for all the subjects: -
Recommended Books for TANCET M.E. / M.Tech / M.Arch. / M.Plan. Preparation

Books details: | Authors |
TANCET M.E/M.Tech Exam Book | C.S.Hariram Kumar, Janani, P.Vigneshwari |
TANCET M.E Entrance | M. Preshnave |
TANCET ME, M.Arch, M.Tech, M.Plan-Anna University | Suda's |
We hope you now have the complete syllabus of TANCET 2019. The exam is scheduled in May 2019. We wish you all the luck!
Dinesh Kumar S is a 23-year-old System Administrator who enjoys playing games, listening to music and learning new technology. He is friendly and generous, but can also be very lazy and crazy.
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